GIS / Mapping

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is often described as "computerized mapping" but it is much more. GIS combines layers of information to provide a better understanding of a geographic area (spatial location). GIS is an exciting, dynamic and rapidly advancing technology of computer software, hardware, data, and personnel used to manipulate, analyze and present information that is tied to a spatial location.  GIS has become an essential part of La Plata County's daily functions.  GIS is used in several of the County's departments including the County Assessors Office, Planning Department, Office of Emergency Management, Road and Bridge, and Engineering.

Current Mapping Site

You can now view our online mapping service using your tablet or smartphone!  Their mapping interface is has some cosmetic differences, but all the functionality of the original map service.  Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the tablet/smartphone interface and be sure to contact GIS staff with any questions you may have. 

Download GIS Datasets

  • GIS layers can be downloaded for free from the La Plata County GIS Department. Projection: NAD 83 Colorado State Plane South, Feet, ESRI Shape file format.
  • Aerial photography availability depends on location.  Go to our GIS Server and click "Map Layers' tab to open available 'Images and Aerial Photos'.
  • Additional Planimetric data may be purchased from the La Plata County GIS Department: 5 foot contour lines, hydrolines, hydropolys, structures, geo-referenced tiff images, and roads.